Other Prospective Targets

The Company has identified many prospective targets on the Yellowknife City Gold Project. The main ones are described below.


Homer is located 7 km north of Crestaurum and occurs in mafic volcanics and porphyry dykes next to a granodiorite intrusion. The target area has the largest magnetic and electro-magnetic anomalies in the Yellowknife gold camp.

The area originally drew attention in the 1930s with several high-grade polymetallic (Au-Ag-Pb-Zn, +/- Cu) semi-massive to massive sulphide showings occurring in northeast trending shears. Historical drilling included an intercept of 6.1 m at 2.54 g/t Au, 204 g/t Ag, 10.8% Pb, 6.0% Zn and 0.55% Cu. Exploration by the Company outlined sulphide zones over a strike length of 1.5 km and drilling in 2014 included an intersection of 4.30 m at 3.41g/t Au, 69.3 g/t Ag, 3.67% Pb and 3.17% Zn within a 70 m intersection of lower grade Au-Ag-Pb-Zn mineralization.

Subsequent work by Gold Terra identified a N-NE trending 2 km x 1 km ovoid of anomalous gold in surface samples adjacent to and overlapping the polymetallic mineralization. Surface sampling returned values of up to 30 g/t Au. Two drill holes completed in 2016 returned multi-gram gold values over 15-20 m widths in mafic volcanic rock associated with pyrite with arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite in shears and filling fractures and joints.

The Homer area is drill ready to expand the gold mineralization along strike and to depth around the two discovery drill holes from 2016. The Company would also plan deep penetrating IP surveys to target the high grade polymetallic zone to identify concentrations of sulphide mineralization.


Hébert-Brent is located 1 km south and on strike with the Barney deposit. It is a flat plunging zone with conspicuous sericitic alteration hosting replacement style gold-bearing sulphides (pyrite and arsenopyrite) occurring along and within felsic intrusive porphyry dykes trending E-SE and transected by N-NE shear zones.

The original discovery was made by Gold Terra in 2014 with surface samples assaying up to 44 g/t Au. Subsequent stripping and channel sampling returned 11 m at 7.55 g/t Au and 6 m at 10.26 g/t Au. Follow up drilling in 2015 intersected 10.3 m at 3.61 g/t Au. The channel sampling and drilling determined that the porphyry dykes grade 1-5 g/t Au and the adjacent mafic rocks on both contacts to the dyke grade up to 30 g/t Au. Detailed shallow drilling (20-40 m holes) led to the interpretation that the zone is controlled by both the shear and the competency contrast provided by the felsic dyke.

Future drilling will determine if the zone has a larger potential beyond the known outcropping zones. It is believed the eastern strike of the known zone will terminate against the Daigle Lake Fault and the offset extension is indicated by high grade gold surface samples located 500 m to the northeast. Other areas of intersecting porphyry dykes and shears offer new targets in the area, especially the large alteration (Sericite Zone) to the northeast of Hebert Brent. The Sericite Zone had IP completed in 2017 which produced a strong chargeability anomaly. This anomaly will be tested by drilling.

Ptarmigan Mine

The past producing Ptarmigan mine (111,000 oz Au at 9.86 g/t Au recovered) is located 10 km northeast of Yellowknife adjacent to the paved Ingraham road and situated on the main hydro powerline from the Bluefish hydro-dam to Yellowknife. Limited mining occurred in the 1940s (Con Mine) and production restarted in the 1980s to 1990s. Gold recovery was by simple gravity concentration and average 94%. Mining was via shaft and ramp and extended to a depth of approximately 275 m. At end of production, gold mineralization continued at depth and along strike to the west. As well, gold production came from the adjacent Tom veins (also owned by Gold Terra). There are still unmined strike and dip extensions of the Tom vein system.

The west-northwest trending Ptarmigan quartz vein is subvertical and has been traced for 400 m with an averaging width of 3.7 m (ranging from 0.3 to 7.4 m and occasionally up to 14 m wide). Mineralization occurs in irregularly shaped bodies of light to dark grey quartz containing visible free gold. Contacts with country rocks are sharp and alteration is not evident. Sulphides make up less than 1% of the vein.

Recently, the Company purchased the Aurora claims which cover the strike extensions of the Ptarmigan and Tom mines. Surface work by Gold Terra has extended the strike length of the Ptarmigan vein structure for an additional 800 m west-northwest of the previous workings with surface assay values up to 19 g/t Au. Currently, the Company is building a 3D model of the mine workings and stopes to fully understand the high grade zones at Ptarmigan.

Other Targets

The Duck Lake and Angel zones is accessible by road approximately 4 km from the village of Dettah. The area is directly east across the bay from the former Con mine. The zones occur in the Burwash sediments, a formation equivalent in age and rock types to the Porcupine sediments in the Timmins camp.

At Duck Lake, the Company discovered a series of flat veins (E-W and relatively flat), which were sampled over 600 m of strike length and returned values of up to 30 g/t Au. These veins crosscut folded sediments and also occur within proximal granodiorite-diorite intrusions.

Approximately 1.5 km west of Duck Lake is the N-S striking vertically dipping Angel vein. The vein has been followed for approximately 400 m and has returned grab samples up to 65.7 g/t Au and 4,910 g/t Ag. Angel may be a southern extension of the mineralization at the historic Burwash mine (owned by Gold Terra). The Burwash mine is a small deposit known for its extremely high grade vein system. Historical reports mention small batches of ore grading up to 200 oz/t Au. Gold Terra has conducted limited field work at Burwash and grab samples have returned assays of up to 200 g/t Au.

The Angel target is drill ready to test the 400 m surface expression of the vein with potential strike extensions as suggested by Gold Terra’s geophysics, lake sediment samples and biogeochemical sampling. The Duck Lake target requires further mapping and sampling to define a drill target and some follow up reconnaissance on recently outlined lake sediment and biogeochemical anomalies.

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